On Tuesday, under the umbrella of the investigative journalism portal atlatszo.hu, we’ve launched the KiMitTud web site, which is an easy-to-use portal for requesting public information from Hungarian tax-funded institutions. These institutions are obliged by the Freedom of Information Act to respond & disclose the information requested from them.
This site makes it easy to ask for such information with a few clicks of a mouse button – instead of formulating legal letters, looking up organization names & official addresses, standing in queue at the post office, and then not getting answers. Here, you just search for the organization, select it, type in the core of your request in two lines, and click go – all else is handled by the site itself.
Oh, and all responses are made public as well – for all to search, browse, analyse & see.
“Ki Mit Tud?” literally means “Who Knows What?” in English, and is a play on the name of an old Hungarian talent contest. The project is based on Alaveteli – an open source project that is specifically designed to aid handling freedom of information requests. It is already used in quite a few places around the world – just look at the UK version called WhatDoTheyKnow!