The first leg of our tour, Tököl – Portoroz – Venezia – Portoroz – Tököl, between LHTL and LJPZ, on 4th August, 2011. The weather within Hungary was quite bad with rain, cumulonimbus on the way, which got a lot better after crossing over to Slovenia.
People in the airspace were very nice, especially Maribor approach & Portoroz approach. It runs out that the published VFR Route in Slovenia works quite well, although one does not have to divert to Velika Nedelja after ME4, but can go ME4 – ME1 – MS3 instead, which is shorter.
cloudy weather
cloudy weather
cloudy weather
Slovenia from the air
Slovenia from the air
Slovenia from the air
Slovenia from the air
first sight of the sea
clouds from the ground